Shots Fired at Assahaba Islamic Center: CCAI Condemns Attack and Calls for Government Action
PRESS RELEASE: For immediate release Montreal, April 6, 2021– The Canadian Anti-Islamophobia Collective (CCAI) strongly condemns the attack on the Islamic Community Centre of East Montreal (Assahaba) and calls on the Government of Quebec adopt appropriate measures to ensure the safety of mosques and end Islamophobia in Quebec. “The safety of mosques in Quebec became an important issue after the Bissonnette terrorist attack on the Québec City mosque. However, our press release of October 27, 2020, following the attacks on five mosques (Centre Islamique de Brossard, Makkah mosque, AlSalam Mosque, Jamia Masjid Noor-e-madina Mosque and Al-Madinah Mosque), did not lead to any concrete action by the Quebec government, » said Mr. Adil Charkaoui, coordinator of The Canadian Anti-Islamophobia Collective. The CCAI believes that attacks targeting minorities should be met by a firm response from provincial and municipal governments. The Legault government and the Plante administration must reassure the Muslim community and send an unambiguous message that Islamophobic acts have no place in our society. The Canadian Collective anti-Islamophobia