Petition against the candidacy of Djemila Benhabib , author of  » My life against the Quran », under the PQ in Mille-îles

Petition by The Quebec Collective Against Islamophobia to Pauline Marois, leader of the Parti Québécois

The Quebec Collective Against Islamophobia ( QCAI ) asks Pauline Marois, leader of the Parti Québécois, to reject the controversial candidacy of Djemila Benhabib, author of  »  » My life against the Quran”.

The Quebec Collective Against Islamophobia believes that the candidacy of Djemila Benhabib will contribute to increase Islamophobia in Quebec, divide society and further stigmatize Muslims in Quebec.

Through her hostile position on the veil, Quran and institutions of the Islamic Community, the anti-Islam militant clearly shows her lack of respect for freedom of conscience and religion. QCAI invites all Quebecers of all faiths , of all persuasions and political affiliations to sign this petition to Pauline Marois, leader of the Parti Québécois.

The link of the petition :ébécois-rejet-de-la-candidature-de-djemila-benhabib-l-auteure-de-ma-vie-à-contre-coran-dans-mille-îles

Please sign it and share it in your network


 Le Collectif Québécois Contre l’Islamophobie (CQCI)
(514) 653 2079

Le Collectif québécois contre l’islamophobie (CQCI) est un organisme à but non lucratif voué à la lutte contre l’islamophobie sous toutes ses formes et dans toutes les sphères de la société